
MTN PRO Aluminum Rim Spray Paint

MTN PRO Aluminium Rim Paint is a very fast drying acrylic enamel, formulated with high-quality resins and metallic inorganic pigments.
It is very suitable for spray painting machinery of all kinds, as well as iron structures that require almost immediate handling after being painted. This product provides surfaces with a metallic, effectively decorative appearance and is very suitable for artistic work. It also serves as a protective coat in marine and industrial environments.

Works great for:
- Metal components
- Retouching
- Bullets
- Decoration
- Plastics
- Welding joints

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Dries Fast - Great Hardening - Excellent Adhesion - Does NOT Contain Lead - Great Brightness - Easy to Apply

$ 9.00


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Silver - $ 9.00
Silver $ 9.00
